Friday, February 15, 2008

Stub Creation with Apache Axis (WSDL2Java)

1. Download Axis from select appropriate mirror an can download binary or source version from that.

2. Unzip the folder to C:\tools\axis-1_4 dir.
Here we installed both of src and binary version and you will get following structure.

3. Now the time to generate Stub for WebService.
for that Axis provide one class named WSDL2Java.

Let's use this file. For that follow the step.

Set Class path for Axis.
- Create a axis.bat file with following data
-------Axis.bat Start ------------
set AXIS_HOME=c:\tools\axis-1_4
---------Axis.bat End------------

Make sure AXISCLASSPATH should be in single line.

4. Now run the following command from command prompt.

c:\> java -cp %AXISCLASSPATH% org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java (WSDL-file-URL)

5. Now at C: the Service Stub created successfully.

And ready to use.

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